30 octubre, 2009

Mensaje desde Islandia, de Gulli Bergmann, para todos vosotros

Hey hey guys
I'd be more than happy to share how wonderful you guys and gals were!!! I had no idea about what you were doing and I was driving past loads of people wearing orange coats...I ofcourse stopped my car rolled down the window and asked what was going on! Immediatly you people smiled and told me why you were here, what you were doing and that I should come and passed me a flyer! You were all so inviting, enthusiastic about the project and committed to your country and about having fun doing all of these things :D I'll go on record anywhere and vouch for that!!!
Gulli Bergmann
Reykjavík, Iceland

4 comentarios:

  1. Hey hey Gulli! Thank you very much for your comment. Here in the Canary Islands there is people wo is writing in the newspappers that were disturbing Icelandic relax, and it's important that people like you write their opinion explaining that our mission didn't disturb people, just invited them to enjoy the happiness.

    Bless Bless!

  2. Eeeey hola a todos! :) Nos alegramos muchísimo del efecto que produjimos en Reykjavík :) Creo que nadie en realidad sabía por qué ni para qué estábamos allí y que al principio todos se mostraban, de algún modo, reticentes a todo lo que estaba aconteciendo. Pero a medida que pasaban los días e iban conociéndonos y acostumbrándose a nuestra presencia, se notaba un marcado cambio en la actitud de los ciudadanos hacia el proyecto. Creo que por haber sido la primera vez en toda la historia que esto se realiza, ha sido la más difícil. Enhorabuena a todos los que han hecho posible este ideal.
    Un abrazo,
    Elisa Casañas

  3. I agree with you Fernando, nothing could be better than the opinion of the Islanders...I'm sure that nobody felt disturbed but greatly astonished...The girl I chose last wednesday for the casting, was absolutly surprised because of the attitude of islander boys, due to normally, they just go to parties and stand by with a serious expression, and that magic night, everybody enjoyed the party and people became part of something really important!!!! They even recognized that they are quite grey, serious and less full of life than the 100 Ambassadors!!!! Carry on being Orange Canaries!!!!!!! Virginia M

  4. Correction: where i wrote "that were disturbing"
    i wanted to say "that we were disturbing".

    I have read more islander's comments and all of them say the same. They were relly happy of our presence. Journalist must read their opinion and ask us before writing reviews.
